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Welcome to my new blog!

Well, here goes. I've been trying to think of new ways to inspire people to support my Summit for Someone climb so I thought I'd put together a website to help me share my inspiration and hopefully inspire you, too.

It's quite uncomfortable for me to ask friends and family for money. I actually hesitated to sign up for this Summit for Someone climb because I was worried about committing to raising the $4,000 for Big City Mountaineers. But I just kept thinking about all the adventures I've taken on my own, adventures that, while wonderful experiences, didn't benefit anyone but me. Here is a chance to accomplish a long standing dream to climb the Grand Teton and make it count for something! I am so inspired by what Big City Mountaineers endeavors to do for kids, and I want to be a part of it.

So here I am. I hope you'll join me along this journey. I've got lots of fundraising yet to go and along the way I'm working hard on training and getting ready for the big climb. I plan to post updates on my Grand Adventure as I go. See you along the way!

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