Solon IA to Belvedere SD
Day 3 Stats: 3 states, 3.25 tanks of gas, 607 miles, many hours Up at 5am and out of camp by 6 and on the road again. We were lucky to...
Bloomington IN to Solon IA
Day 2 Stats: 3 states, 2 tanks of gas, 422 miles, lost track of hours First thing - I neglected to mention a key element of passing...
Durham NC to Bloomington IN
Day 1 Stats: 4 states, 2.25 tanks of gas, 628 miles, 12 hours The day started early with the last rush of packing, loading up the car,...
Hitting the Road
Hey there! It's been a long time since I've posted anything to my site but also, it's been a long time since I've had anything to write...
Well, We Didn't Die
"The Spartan Race is a dangerous and demanding extreme sporting/racing event. THERE IS A REAL POSSIBILITY THAT YOU MAY DIE OR BE...
Cold and Wet in West Virginia
Two dozen clean and eager hikers stood in a circle at the Seneca Creek trail head in West Virginia, watching as guide Alan Dixon did a...
Looking Back
As the year 2018 drew it's final breath, I found myself looking back to all the remarkable experiences that I had the pleasure (and...
Outside The Comfort Zone - Day 5
Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So...
Outside The Comfort Zone - Day 4
I lay ensconced in the warmth of my sleeping bag, listening for the soft rustling sounds that would signal the others getting up. The...
Outside The Comfort Zone - Day 3
The full moon setting over Moose Lake Waking up at Moose Lake was like waking into a dream. The sun hadn't risen yet and the moon was...